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Tag: Color

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Using Contrast Effectively in Web Design

Every website has a purpose. Depending on the type of website you have and your goals, your design needs to provoke your audience to act in some way. Buy a product, sign a petition, read an article, share with friends, and so on. One way of doing this is with contrast. The colors we use, the amount and types of content you display, can have a big impact on what our viewers see and do. When you have a very specific direction you want to steer your viewers in, the more contract in the right areas, the better.

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Spending Money to Set Your Brand Apart

Making your brand stand out can be hard. If you are using the same free resources that every other designer is using, perhaps paying for quality resources might be a good option to differentiate yourself. Especially, if you are trying to create a lasting and distinctive brand.

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Couchable is a web design blog created by Tyler Herman. Not really updated anymore because I'm busy doing freelance design work and busy launching my little WordPress theme shop Real Theme Co. You can read a little more about my at my personal site