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Content-First Design

Content-First Design was my attempt at analyzing some of the problems faced by the web design community. Specifically the way in which we approach projects and work with clients.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the problems with the design-client relationship and if there is a better way of doing things. There are so many issues and problems and I don’t think either side is really getting the most out of the relationship. So I created a list of the problems faced by our industry and tried to come up with the best possible solution. I did come up with some changes and maybe possible solutions but it took me a long time to get it all down.

Because this post ended up getting really, really, really long before I even started getting into what “content-first design” is, I’ve broken it down into multiple posts, starting with the problems. You need to understand the problems before addressing them so I’ll go over them in some detail in the next couple of posts.

I’ll keep this page updated with all of the different pieces in case you come in half way through and want to see what came before or after.

If you have been reading this blog at all you know I write a lot about dealing with design clients. It is a designers biggest area of frustration and something everyone could do a better job of. Even for designers who are great salesmen, the process, and the product, could be better.

The design-client relationship isn’t the only problem facing the web design industry but it is part of the larger problem and will be a main focal point of the posts to come.

The Problems

Design as a Commodity

Alienating Content, and Writing Poor Copy

The Disconnect Between Web Design and Business Objectives

Design Communication, or Lack Thereof

Content-First Design

Coming Soon…

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Couchable is a web design blog created by Tyler Herman. Not really updated anymore because I'm busy doing freelance design work and busy launching my little WordPress theme shop Real Theme Co. You can read a little more about my at my personal site