ExpressionEngine is a content management system built by Ellis Labs and my CMS of choice. Here you will find my articles, how-to's tips, and news about ExpressionEngine. I am also working on a collection of resources.

Even though there is still a lot of work to do, I've launched the first subblog area of the site.

I started with ExpressionEngine because I had a few posts already done and some ideas of content that will be specific for that part of the site. To start with I’ll be added ExpressionEngine specific resources, organized into categories along with the usual posts, tips and news stuff. I have plans on adding two other similar sections to the site in an attempt to separate content out by interests. Some people may not be interested in ExpressionEngine but if they are, that area of the site is the place to go.

I’ll keep adding, tweaking and seeing how well it works and hopefully launch a second area after the new year.

One of the problems you will run into, when templating your first ExpressionEngine website, is problems with links in channel fields.

The reason may be that there is a preference set that automatically turns URIs into links. You need to turn this off in each Channel you don’t want it to occur. You can do so by clicking on the Admin button in the top navigation and going to: Channel Admin -> Channels, then selecting the channel where you wish to turn this feature off. You are looking for Channel Posting Preferences half way down the page.

turning off auto links in expressionengine

This turns off auto-linking for the entire Channel. If you still need it enabled for one specific Channel Field you can set the preference to No and use the Auto Linker Plugin to turn it back on where needed.

SEO Friendly ExpressionEngine Templates Part 1

It is a great feeling when you finally get that ExpressionEngine site live. You set up Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools, and submit your Sitemap. And when the site gets crawled and you see the results and are confronted with a slew of HTML Suggestions that need to be fixed. I will go over how to set up your templates so your HTML Suggestions…

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ExpressionEngine for Designers: Displaying and Resizing Images

Uploading and displaying images in your entries is an essential part of any content management system. With ExpressionEngine 2.2.2 (I think) new tags were created to allow for easy resizing and cropping of images. In this post I'll go over how to set up your File Upload Directories, create new re-sized images for use in your templates as well as the markup to display the…

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