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Here is a collection of posts that let you know a little bit of what you'll find at Couchable.

Thanks for stopping by. If you didn’t know, my name is Tyler Herman, a web designer, blogger, and web business tinkerer, and this here is my blog. I’ve put together a little collection of posts I feel are a good place to start for you new folks. If you are looking for something in particular, I break all of the posts down into three categories: Web Design, Web Business, and Advertising & Promotion. I also break those done further into hubs of content (for example ExpressionEngine) which are all listed on the three category pages. And of course there are Tags as well as search.

But if you would rather just see a sample of what I write or some of the better posts, check out everything I’ve listed below. It is broken loosely up into groups for easier digestion.

Becoming a Better Web Designer

One of the things that makes web or graphic design unique is working with clients. It definitely makes work more challenging but sometimes those challenges can lead to rewarding experiences in the end. Here are a few posts about dealing with clients:

Dealing With Clients

One of the things that makes web or graphic design unique is working with clients. It definitely makes work more challenging but sometimes those challenges can lead to rewarding experiences in the end. Here are a few posts about dealing with clients:

Launching a Design Career

One of the things that makes web or graphic design unique is working with clients. It definitely makes work more challenging but sometimes those challenges can lead to rewarding experiences in the end. Here are a few posts about dealing with clients:

Making More Money

One of the things that makes web or graphic design unique is working with clients. It definitely makes work more challenging but sometimes those challenges can lead to rewarding experiences in the end. Here are a few posts about dealing with clients:

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Couchable Huh?
what this blog is all about

Couchable is a web design blog created by Tyler Herman. Not really updated anymore because I'm busy doing freelance design work and busy launching my little WordPress theme shop Real Theme Co. You can read a little more about my at my personal site