Tag: Web Content
Competing in a Crowded Niche
Apr 18, 2012Crowded niches can be extremely difficult to get started in but also happen to be the most interesting and most lucrative. Whether you have a passion and want to write about it, have a business in a crowded niche you need to promote, or simply want to make money, it takes lots of time and persistence but it can be done.
Alienating Content, and Writing Poor Copy
Mar 05, 2012How do you learn to write for the web? It certainly isn’t a major taught is school. You would think it a simple task. After all, many of us write in some form every day. Yet of the proficient writers out there, maybe only a handful of those are capable web copy writers. Of the other however many people out there burdened with writing web copy—how is it possible that they do such a butcher of a job? And knowing it is so bad, why do we web designer do nothing about it?
Design As A Commodity
Feb 28, 2012More and more people are beginning to believe that design is a commodity. It is a small problem now, but will continue to grow as time goes on. Cheap, good looking websites are becoming easier and easier to make and with far lower learning curves. Creating a website for some people is the same thing as buying a car, you pick out the one you like and take it home, and we as designers are largely to blame.
Writing Intriguing Headings And When To Use Them
Dec 19, 2011I've been spending all kinds of time both writing posts and reading other people's blogs. I've found that headings can make or break a good blog post. The title brings the reader in but it isn't until after reading the first couple headings when the reader can decide if the post is worth their time or not. Which is possibly why some bloggers tend not to use heading at all. I'm going to lay out what works in some types of posts, and why the opposite may be true in others.