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Tag: Seo

Benefits of Updating Old Blog Posts

It hurts to see those neglected, old blog posts. Especially, when you know they were really good, but for whatever reason they got looked over. It should become a habit to revisit old blog posts at least once a year. The benefits of doing so are numerous.

SEO Friendly ExpressionEngine Templates Part 2

So in Part 1 I went over the different ways of setting up your Meta Descriptions and title tags in ExpressionEngine. In Part 2 I go over cleaning up the different problems you might have with 404 not found pages and redirecting incorrect URIs to the correct page using your htaccess file. I'll also go over the basics of cacheing your media in your htaccess file as well.

Measuring Blog Post Success

When starting a new blog or trying to improve an existing one, it is often difficult to gage the success of your posts. The most obvious indicator would be traffic, but often even that can be misleading. I've put together some of the ways I measure post success here for you. The best part about these measurements is they work for blogs with smaller amounts of traffic. Not only that but they can be applied to competitors blogs to see how they are doing as well, without seeing their Analytics. Or to gage how your guest post stacked up against other posts on a site.

Promote a New Blog, Where and How

No matter how amazing your content, within the first month to first couple months of your blogs existence, it will be very hard to get traffic. People do not just randomly stumble upon websites, so you need to find ways to get your work in front of some eyeballs other than your own.

Best SEO Resources for Beginners

Search Engine Optimization is actually pretty straight forward but it is ever-changing and there are some outdated resources online. Here are the best ones to quickly get up to speed with SEO.

Search engine optimization is something you want to keep in the back of your mind whenever you are creating new web content. Here are 5 quick tips to make sure you write content that is search engine friendly.

SEO Friendly ExpressionEngine Templates Part 1

It is a great feeling when you finally get that ExpressionEngine site live. You set up Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools, and submit your Sitemap. And when the site gets crawled and you see the results and are confronted with a slew of HTML Suggestions that need to be fixed. I will go over how to set up your templates so your HTML Suggestions start and stay empty, as in unique Meta Descriptions and Title tags for every single pages on your site.

New and Improved Google Analytics

Google rolled out another version of Google Analytics this week. Some nice new features and a few things I'm not to thrilled about.

Being New is the Biggest Barrier to Entry

One of the wonderful thing about the Internet is that anyone can voice their opinion or start up a business. Put up a little website or blog and share what you know with the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the little voices out there get drowned out by the big boys on the block, to the point where many people wanting to share something with the world are really just talking to themselves.

It tends to be the case with most posts that once they get pushed off the homepage, they get read less and less often. Just because a post isn't brand new doesn't mean readers wouldn't like it. So here are some ways of promoting those good old posts that have been forgotten.

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